Grand Canyon National Park—Santa Fe Company’s Hermits Rest, Historic Structures Report; and Building One, Historic Structures Report
Project Location: Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
Client: National Park Service
Date of Performance: 2007
Project Description: Provided code analysis and preservation recommendations for Hermits Rest, a 1914 National Historic Landmark designed by Mary Jane Colter. Provided code analysis and preservation recommendations for Building One, a listed historic 1931 park structure. Role was as a consultant to the Heritage Conservation Program at the University of Arizona.
Bryce Canyon National Park—Utah Parks Company Service Station, Historic Structures Report
Project Location: Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah
Client: National Park Service
Date of Performance: 2005
Project Description: Provided building assessment and preservation recommendations for listed historic structure. Provided design for new roof drainage system to replace failing system. Role was as a consultant to the Heritage Conservation Program at the University of Arizona.